How do I personalize my email content using the personalization tags?


Last Update bir yıl önce

Inbranded makes it easy to personalize the content of your email using personalization tags. Personalization tags are placeholders representing a piece of information about your campaign audience and are substituted with the actual information during sending. For example, the tag [name] refers to the audience's name.

1. An opening square bracket "[", representing the start of the tag.

2. The tag identifier eg firstname for the audience first name.

How do personalized tags work?

Personalized tags are of the format:

1. An opening square bracket "[" representing the start of the tag.

2. The tag identifier eg firstname for the audience's first name.

3. An optional default value represented by a slash "/" and a default value eg /dear

4. A closing square bracket "]" representing the end of the tag.

Examples of valid tags include [name], [name/dear], [firstname/friend] etc.

Available tags when sending email
The following is the list of available tags that can be used when sending an email:
  1. [name]: Fullname of the audience being targeted
  2. [firstname]: First name of the audience being targeted
  3. [lastname]: Last name of the audience being targeted
  4. [email]: Email address of the audience being targeted
  5. [phone]: Phone number of the audience being targeted
  6. [address]: Address of the audience being targeted
  7. [unsubscribe]: The unsubscribe URL of the audience being targeted
  8. [profileurl]: Profile URL of the audience being targeted
  9. [account:firstname]: First name of the user associated with the current account
  10. [account:lastname]: Last name of the user associated with the current account'
  11. [account:name]: Full name of the user associated with current account'
  12. [account:brand-name]: Brand name of the current account'
  13. [account:address]: Address associated with the current account'
  14. [account:phone]: Phone number associated with the current account'
  15. [account:website]: Website associated with the current account'
  16. [campaign:subject]: Subject of the current campaign or sequence'
  17. [campaign:URL]: URL of the current campaign or sequence'
  18. [currentyear]: Four digits current year eg 2020'
  19. [currentdate]: Day of the month for the current date ie 1-31'
  20. [currentmonth]: Month for the current date ie 1-12'
Add a default value to the tag
To add a default value to the tag, simply add a slash "/" and then the value before the closing square bracket of the tag. Examples are [firstname/dear], [name/Unspecified], [address/no address available] etc.

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