Adding and customizing QR Codes in the design builder

Tomiwa Babatunde Jerimiah

Last Update há um ano

Adding and customizing QR codes in a design is easy in Inbranded.

Adding QR Code to a design

Follow the steps below to add text to your design:

Step 1: Locate the components panel on the left side of the design builder and click on QR Code/QR Input.

Note: The QR Code added would automatically be the focused component in the design.
Customizing QR Code in a design
Follow the steps below to customise QR codes in your design:

Step 1: Locate the QR Code in the design area and click on it to have it focused.

Step 2: From the preference panel, edit the Text or Default text field to change the content of the QR code.

Step 3: Also from the preference panel, change the Width and Height to change the QR code dimension.

Step 4: Drag anywhere within the highlighted component box to reposition it in the design. Drag the knobs at the edges of the component box to resize the QR Code.

Note: QR codes are fixed to square size(1:1 aspect ratio), updating the QR Code dimension will scale the it based on its aspect ratio.

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