How do I change the name, size, and background of my design?

Tomiwa Babatunde Jerimiah

Last Update één jaar geleden

Changing the name, size and background on a design is easy in Inbranded.

Changing the name of your design.

Changing the name of a design can be done in the design-builder. Follow the steps below to change the design name:

Step 1: Click on the design title at the topbar.

Step 2: Edit the title to the desired name.

Step 3: Click anywhere outside the design title to trigger auto-save on the design.

Changing the size of your design
Changing the size of a design can be done in the design-builder. Follow the steps below to change the size of the design:

Step 1: Click anywhere in the design area outside any component to have any focused component defocused.

Step 2: Locate the dimension option in the component preference panel.

Step 3: Change the width or height value of the design as desired.

Note: The size of a design with a background image cannot be changed, the background image needs to be removed to enable editing the dimension.
Changing the background of your design
Changing the background of a design can be done in the design-builder. Follow the steps below to change the size of the design:

Step 1: Click anywhere in the design area outside any component to have any focused component defocused.

Step 2: Locate the Add image button in the component preference panel.

Step 3: Choose the desired image or upload a new image.

Step 4: Click on Continue in the Choose photo popup that appears.

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